GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Improving accessibility and employability of 560 students and high school students from Romania and Republic of Moldova in the labor market by developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a modern labor market, flexible and dynamic through inter-institutional collaboration in education across borders.
Specific objective 1: Facilitating the access of 480 school students and students from Galati County and Cahul District to 32 professional training courses on the labor market and specialized counseling and professional guidance services to improve the insertion process by involving them in innovative activities of complementary and virtually entrepreneurial education within 55 practice firms;
Specific objective 2: Prevention of socio-professional marginalization and increase the transition from school to active life for 150 high school students and students from Galati County Cahul District through cross-border educational actions aimed at organizing 2 Cross-border Fairs of Practice Firms, 2 Experience Exchanges in the field of entrepreneurship and the operationalization of 2 CBC-FeRoM bilateral online platforms for simulation of economic and e-CPO operations for counseling and professional guidance;
Specific objective 3: Increasing the quality and diversity of educational programs in Galati , Vaslui Counties, Cahul and Cantemir Districts by strengthening and promoting a bilateral partnership network of 10 educational units, endowing 4 laboratories and an workroom and the specialization of 70 teachers through 2 innovative courses and 4 transboundary methodical meetings;